
I've caught the bug, the craft bug. Since the New Year began I have been all about little projects and doing fun little crafts and finally catching up on a bit of my scrapbooking from years ago. I'm not one of those people that dreams cool stuff up in my head and I've told many people that I want to like one of my best friends Tricia when I grow up and have her creativity. These two projects I saw at different places. This wreath I've seen all over blogland. It looked easy and cheap and just right for me. I think it turned out great and I think my favorite part is I can spray paint it over and over again to match different holidays.

This second one I saw at a craft fair during November in Farmington, Utah. It's an advent! I love having a Christmas advent and when I was little I would set my alarm 5 minutes early in the morning so I could be the first one up and change the family advents. (That's until we set a rule so other's could have a turn.)

The first picture here is the finished product. It's made from a mini-muffin pan and I measured and cut paper to fit over the openings and then for the numbers I actually cut them out of the paper and put plain green paper behind the original. Once the paper was glued together I laminated everything together to make it stronger and hopefully last a long time.

Here you can see the magnets on the back. I didn't do one on each corner to save magnets but if I need more in the future they are easy to add.

It'll be fun to fill with little treats or thoughts and use the end of this year... In our new house!!


Elise said...

Super cute wreath! I'm glad you posted a picture of it, it turned out really great.