Home Sweet Home?

These past few days I've been wishing for Home. I've settled in so much here that I almost feel like I live here, yet I don't have my stuff. I wish I had my car, my printer, and the rest of my things. So I'm not necessarily wishing to leave DC, I'm wishing for my things. They make life easier and I'm tired of walking a mile to a print shop for 3 pages I need printed. Needless to say it will be nice when we're settled in a few weeks.
Wednesday had such nice weather!! I had to go get a drug test for work and then spent the day in Old Town Alexandria. Thanks Michelle for the advice. I loved it there.
Here's a picture of me at the George Washington Masonic Lodge. A really cool building and great view!
I mostly just walked around and looked in a few places but what I loved was the atmosphere and picturesque quality of everything. I walked along Cameron street since Cam was in classes while I was doing this.

And at the end of the street you run into the Potomac River. What more could you ask for?!

Thursday didn't go quite as planned, at least what I'd planned in my head. I was going to catch all the memorials and monuments that I hadn't seen yet but as soon as I got outside it started raining, and even with my umbrella I was done for after going to the World War II memorial. I decided to put it off until it was better weather. Instead I headed for the Museum of American History and the displays I hadn't see in there yet. I was happy to see a Ninja Turtle and there was a display about the Manhattan project and a bunch of stuff about Hanford. Which I thought was neat since we'll be there in just a few weeks.
Then I went over to the Renwick Gallery, which had some cool things.
I thought this was drapery over a grandfather clock when I was 3 feet away. It's actually all wood and upon very close inspection I was blown away, such great work!

This is game fish...
As you can see it's made out of games and toys.

The last place I had time for was the National Geographic Society.

They had a really cool display of Lions and Tigers. There were lots of really cool pictures and it was all done by one couple, their work was outstanding. I felt like I was in the National Geographic Magazine.
As I was walking to meet Cam I was attracted to all the police sirens and squad cars, so I walked up the block and watched a demonstration walk past. It was just a bunch of students protesting war, but I was amused. My favorite part was a girl at the end of the pack that was walking and dancing with her sign to the beat of the music that they were playing.