I See a Red Wall...

Isn't this a lovely piece of art? Cameron and I won it at fundraising auction and have just the place for it in our new house!

Speaking of our house...it's still speeding right along. On Monday they dug trenches for sprinklers,
Smoothed the backyard and got rid of all the sagebrush,
And covered the doors and windows to prepare to texture the walls.
On Tuesday it was cool to see all the walls and ceiling covered and have a little texture,

On Thursday we found doors in our garage,
And painted walls!!! We did a few walls red in the front room, one wall in the bathroom, and one of the smaller bedrooms. I really like the color :)

On Friday we arrived to find our garage door installed,
Pipes in the ground,
The the painting finished up.
It never ceases to amaze me what can be done in just a week. When I look back at my pictures I realize how much has been done in just 5 or 6 days and it's just wonderful! If anyone here in the Tri-Cities needs a builder definitely use Valiant Homes, they're AMAZING, as you can see!


Anonymous said...

you guys win a lot of art! Or are you guys part time art thieves?

Salony said...

Ha Ha Ha, no we're not art thieves! Plus this one we didn't win for free like the other one, this one we "won" the auction, so we had to pay for it, darn it!

Steph said...

It's been a while since I've visited your blog. I have to say, "THANKS FOR THE PROPS!" You are the best clients (and friends)ever! It's great for me to see the photo log of progress. I'll have to save your pics in a file of my own. Hope you are having a blast in Hawaii!